Monday, 16 May 2016

Vintage knitwear - summer/winter looks - hand knits

The hand knitted cream 4ply-weight mercerised cotton tunic below was featured in a woman's magazine in around the late 1980's or early 1990's together with a free knitting pattern.  It features several textured panels, with the centre wide cable panel containing bobbles.  The lacy leaf pattern panel at the sides also features bobbles and the bottom of the tunic is trimmed with a lacy horizontal leaf-patterned pointed hem.  This is a really pretty summer look and, on a trip to Hong Kong a year or so after the pattern was published, I came across a lady wearing a white tunic that she had knitted from the very same pattern - what a coincidence!  
Twin Leaf Cable hand knitted cotton tunic
This pale blue DK-weight mercerised cotton sweater with patchwork textured patterns in triangular shapes includes cables, bobbles, blackberry stitch and bell-shapes.  The photograph appeared in a knitting book, Cotton Knits, that was published around the same time.
Triangular patchwork DK cotton hand knit sweater
One year during the 1990's there was a catwalk show at the Country Living Fair in Islington and two hand knit tunics were worn by models in the show.  The tunic on the left has a lacy scalloped hem and is covered with intarsia-knit vases of flowers.  The tunic on the right also has a scalloped hem and features panels of different cable and bobble patterns.  Both were hand knitted in 4ply-weight mercerised cotton.
Hand knitted cotton floral and textured tunics
The autumn/winter look below was in a catalogue produced by a clothing company in the early 1990's.  The cardigan is hand knitted and the sunflowers, clematis and lupins are all decorated with bobbles.
Hand knit DK cardigan with bobble-covered flowers
I think that all of these styles are timeless and could still be worn today.

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